Nikhat Ara
March 2022 -
Nikhat Ara was born and raised in India. She is pursuing a degree in Journalism at Barrackpore Rastraguru Surrendranath College in Kolkata. She is interested in the history of media and the political and cultural implications in the contemporary debate on freedom of press, race and gender. She is fluent in English and Hindi and loves Italian palaeography, through which she is moving her first step toward this fascinating language. In March 2022, she has joined EURONEWS as an intern.

Simona Monaco
October 2021 - December 2021
Simona Monaco is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Naples "Federico II". In 2020, she graduated in European Languages, Cultures and Literatures at “Federico II”. She worked on a thesis in Comparative Literature whose main topic was focused on differences and similarities between the way in which the individual and the mass relate to society, which are highlighted by Dostoevskij’s novel production and José Ortega y Gasset social analysis; this kind of comparative analysis has been possible thanks to the reference to the Intellectual history. Since October 2021 she is part of the EURONEWS project.

Antonio Senneca
November 2020 - February 2021
Antonio Senneca completed a Master’s Degree in Historical Studies at the University of Naples Federico II in July 2020 with a thesis titled "La riflessione sulla maiestas nel De principe di Giovanni Pontano e nel De maiestate di Giuniano Maio", focusing on the Humanistic and Renaissance political thought (mark: 110/110 cum laude). During his academic career, he trained himself in palaeography, diplomatics, digital humanities and followed courses on Renaissance diplomacy, early modern politics and communication. In November 2020, he joined Euronews project as an Intern.

Mirabella Shahidullah
April 2021 - June 2021
Mirabella Shahidullah graduated with her MA in Journalism from the University of the Arts London in 2021. For her MA thesis she conducted research and created a journal focusing on the relationship between mental health and nature, for which she received a distinction. In 2019, she graduated with her Bachelors in Comparative Literature from King’s College London where she researched the performance of gender in journalism and film. Her current interests are working with translations between Italian and English texts and the history of journalism. In April 2021 she joined the EURONEWS project as an intern.

Silvia Villafranca
October 2021 - December 2021
Silvia Villafranca graduated in Communication Sciences at the University of Florence in December 2020 with a thesis titled "From the Anthropocene to the Aerocene: thinking and communicating new potential worlds" focused on the idea that scientific thinking cannot exist without artistic thinking. In her thesis, she analyzed how to pass from the geological era in which we live, called "Anthropocene", where the Earth's environment is strongly conditioned by the impact of human action, to a concept of "Aerocene" suggested by the artist Tomás Saraceno, where environment and humanity coexist respecting each other. She is currently pursuing a Master in Digital Humanities at the University of Pisa. In October 2021, she joined the EUORNEWS project.

Theodore Kocher
June 2022
Theo Kocher is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial and Interaction Design from Syracuse University. He has a passion for product design as well as an interest in UI/UX design. He is currently working on a thesis surrounding the redesign of veterinary medical instrumentation and looks forward to its completion in spring 2023.

Irene Ivanaj
June 2023
Irene Ivanaj is a journalist, writing about history and international affairs. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Politics at the University of Exeter with a thesis titled “Reviewing Citizenship, Three European Case Studies”, an essay about the historical treatment of mental illness in different European countries, the current mental disability model, and its implications for all citizens. She took her Master’s in International Relations in International Relations, her main area of interest, and is fascinated by the balance of power in the international sphere and how it affects domestic politics. In June 2023, she has joined EURONEWS as an intern.

Lorenzo Bini
June 2023 - August 2023
Lorenzo Bini graduated in historical sciences from the University of Florence in October 2022. He wrote a thesis entitled "Il diplomatico-umanista Filippo Pigafetta. La visione globale di un osservatore dell'Europa del Cinquecento", dedicated to the Vicenza-born traveller Filippo Pigafetta and three of his reports on England, Sweden and Egypt. His interests include diplomatic history, the history of the Renaissance and the history of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany under the Medici dynasty. In June 2023, he joined EURONEWS as an intern.