A Historical Companion

What do people know about their world and how do they know it? The Euronews project was wondering!
We therefore consulted with colleagues involved in a publishing initiative just out this year (2021). Information: A Historical Companion (Princeton University Press, 2021), a massive tome of 904 pages edited by Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silvia Goeing, and Anthony Grafton, provides a thorough and up-to-date account (as much as possible in a single volume) of a topic of perennial interest: namely, the creation, management and sharing of information of all kinds, in all media, among all audiences.
Considering our commitment to exploring how regular news reporting began, we asked editor Ann Blair, along with contributors Will Slauter and Paul Dover, to join the Euronews team and other interested readers, in a celebration of the book’s achievement, as well as a seminar on the wider issues raised, which was held on 7 December 2021.
Participants include:
Ann Blair (Harvard)
Will Slauter (Sorbonne)
Paul Dover (Kennesaw State University)
Andrea Di Carlo (University College Cork)
Brendan Dooley (UCC and Euronews)
Davide Boerio (UCC and Euronews)
Gabor Toth (UCC and Euronews)
Sara Mansutti (UCC and Euronews)
Wouter Kreuze (UCC and Euronews)
Jocelyn Karlan (Harvard Berenson Library and UCC)
Below, the recording of the seminar: