Carlotta Paltrinieri

Research Fellow

Carlotta Paltrinieri received her doctoral degree in Italian Studies at Indiana University Bloomington in August 2018, with a specialization in early modern literature and art history.  Her doctoral dissertation examined the changing status of visual arts between 15th and 16th century, through the linguistic and stylistic analysis of the contemporary artistic literature.  In the past year she has been working on the social and intellectual exchanges within the Accademia del Disegno of Florence, joining the research group Tuscan Academies of the 17th century, coordinated by the Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Seicento of the Università di Siena. Among her recent publications: “Cosimo I, l’Accademia del Disegno, e 'il beneficio pubblico'”. Pontecorboli, 2019; “Alla riscoperta della sociabilité dell’Accademia del Disegno di Firenze: i Luogotenenti", (2020); “The celebrations of the canonization of Saint Andrea Corsini in San Giovanni dei Fiorentini: a Florentine saint in Rome”, in Rome 1629 (forthcoming). As post-doctoral researcher within the EURONEWS Project, Carlotta works on the development of the language of the avvisi as a lingua franca. /

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